Are you a parent yet?

In this era of challenges and keeping up with the trends. People started taking up cooking, painting, and dancing like a second job. Dancing further to the tunes of solitude, found their solace in the best pets ever! Plants became the new pets and sun-kissed home corners became the new outdoors.

Sneha Ravani
7 min readApr 5, 2021


Plant parent that is, what were you thinking!

The new pets/kids/hobbies

We are back in March, a year ago in March 2020 the world changed to something unprecedented. Time stopped for a while on the social calendar, no more meeting friends, no parties, no hugs, no kisses only screens to see each other through. On the upside, new opportunities flew in like the migratory birds from the north for influences, content creators, and entertainers on various social media platforms.

I am here to help you create that gorgeous vibe, the Instagram corner with your pretty plant babies, it's never too late to become parents; is it now? As every one of us is different, so are plants. Let's talk about their aesthetics, need for water, sunlight and benefits and we shall rate them on a love meter!


  1. The first one on the…

